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Writer's pictureKalla Ramsay

The "Overnight Success" put in years of work that you didn't see.

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Copyright 2021, The Virgo Collective

We all know the story- a new artist hits the radio waves and boom! Their music is everywhere. Every time you turn on the radio, hit shuffle on Apple Music, stand in a damn elevator- there's their voice, crooning over the radio. "Must be nice." we think. "Imagine being able to just rocket to stardom overnight." It may be accompanied by jealousy, because here we are, slogging away at our dreams in the wee hours of the morning, because that is the only time we can find to ourselves.

The problem with these thoughts of course, is that the new #1 artist you can't stop seeing everywhere didn't rocket into stardom overnight. It just seems that way.

When we are working on our own visions of ourselves, the road ahead seems endless and overwhelming. With today's new age beliefs of manifesting your reality (or old age, as the act of manifestation as a spiritual practice is as old as human kind), information is everywhere about how to wish yourself into your new reality. If you rub the lamp hard enough, surely the Universal Genie will pop right outta there, granting you your three wishes! Not quite. You need to add a couple more very important steps. Not only to achieve your goal, but also to maintain your sanity.

For one, we have to give the Universe space and time to be able to work her magic. You are asking for a non-physical dream to birth itself into the physical world and into your life. And birthing takes time!

Expecting your goals to come right away creates resistance. Your desire for immediate gratification takes you right out of alignment with the high-vibe universe and plops you right into Sucks-ville. As you impatiently await your results, (after all- you made the vision board, said the mantras and did all the things, so where is your prize?) things start to creep in. Doubt. This doesn't work. Insecurity. I knew I couldn't do this. Apathy. Fine, I don't even want it then. Impatience takes you from a place of confidently receiving, to this plan of worry and self-doubt. And no magic happens here, honey.

If you are in the place of the low vibes, you will doubt yourself. When you doubt yourself, you will doubt what is meant for you. If it is on your heart, it is meant for you. If it is meant for you, you will have it. Just give the universe some damn time to catch up on your dreams, girl!

Unsplash, stock image

So give the Universe some space. Nobody likes the needy girlfriend who pouts over having to wait in line to get her Starbucks, after all.

Release expectations of your goals coming to fruition under your terms only, and trust that the Universe knows what she is doing. Embrace the spirit of gratitude and patience, knowing it will come.

Copyright 2021, The Virgo Collective

Couple this confidence in knowing it is meant, with committed daily action towards your goals. This committed action on your part is your signal to the Universe that you are, in fact, open for business. By you checking those boxes, the Universe can see that you are serious. She is a cheerleader, silent at first, as she watches you take your warm up shots. Each day you show up, she gets a little bit louder. Every time you show up- she shows up even fiercer.

THIS creates the alignment needed to manifest your dream, accomplish your goals.

Relax. Breathe. Affirm. Do the work.

Copyright 2021, The Virgo Collective

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